Chapter 2577: Primordial Purple Qi Spirit
e echoed as Shen Xiang's furnace exploded instantly, giving rise to a cloud of dust.Seeing the large cloud of dust in front of Shen Xiang, everyone sighed regretfully. The people from Chaos Mountain w...Chapter 2577: Innate Purple Qi Essence
Sen Xiang had heard that the Dao God Realm was extremely difficult to enter. Once one did, they would have sufficient strength to venture into the Divine Desolation. Yet, entering the Dao God Realm required cultivating a Dao God Golden Body – this was the most challenging part.
After half a year and a half, Chen Xiang already refined the Ten Heaven Dao Gates. However, although he had refined these gates, their openings were not large at all. The first gate opened to fifty-five, while the tenth door could only open by five!
Shen Xiang felt that if he wanted to open the tenfold gate to its maximum, he needed to cultivate the Divine Path Golden Body. He wasn't sure if he could achieve it either, after all, many Deity Honors were trying to do the same.
"Little Ling seems to have reached the divine realm. I wonder how wide her Dao Profound Gate is!" Shen Xiang glanced at the medicinal herbs planted inside the Yin Yao Mountain Village. Chi Hongqing and Yang Shangyin were not around, so he could only plant them himself. He had already planted quite a lot by now. The Genesis Spring released from his Creation God Well was still very powerful.
He had been refining the Nine Yang De Superficial Pill for cultivation of the Dao Profound Gate, so his various gates were infused with very濃鬱 Nine Yang De energy. Now that he was starting to mass refine the Divine God Imperial Essence Pill for cultivation of his physical body, naturally he would need a lot more De energy.
Sen Xiang refined a Dao Emperor essence pill. After taking it, he started refining again. He didn't know how many he needed to consume. Now, his time was only half a year away. For him, the time was rather tight. After all, he had spent a half year to open ten gates.
Naturally, it has improved significantly compared to before!
"Big brother, big brother, can you hear me" Ho Lin suddenly called out.
Sen Xiang is still alchemizing and can't move, so he has to wait until it's done before going out.
Two days later, Shen Xiang finally refined a Sovereign Dao God Primordial Pill. He hurriedly stepped out of the array formation, only to see Huo Lin outside looking somewhat anxious.
"What happened" Shen Xiang asked.
"There's danger here, my place is in peril!" Ho Lin said with a solemn expression. "The Earth Spirit conveyed its voice to me just now, informing me that the black-haired people will invade my area soon. It urged me to flee immediately."
"What The black-haired people can come here" Shen Xiang was also surprised and very concerned as well.
Human and non-human characters converse in a mix of English and Chinese, with the non-human character using pidgin English.
"These black-hair humans, actually came here! Big brother, what should I do Those black-haired ones are really powerful" asked Huo Lin. "Are those black-haired people really strong
"Does the Iron City Lord know about it" Shen Xiang asked.
"Understand, I've already informed him. He's now pondering alternative methods, mentioning the possibility of guarding my core of the earth for me when the time comes. Nol Ho is quite anxious; he once thought that hiding in the core of the earth would ensure his safety, but he didn't expect that the crisis from the black-haired people would reach him too."
"Houlin, don't worry, they at most just occupy this place!" Shen Xiang placed his hands on Houlin's shoulders, "Big Brother can only tell you that I don't have enough strength to deal with the Black Fur people now, but I promise that I will definitely exterminate them in the future. You'd better go to the ground, you mustn't fight those Black Fur people yourself. Their strength is really terrifying, even Iron City Lord couldn't resist them."
Chen Xiang had a very good understanding of the power of the Black Hair people. Although Luo Lin's strength was also strong, facing so many terrifying Black Hair people, he would definitely not be able to withstand it.
"Mm, the earth core spirit said they would be here within ten days," Ho Lin said, "Big brother, don't stay in there for too long; they'll be here soon!"
"I know!" Shen Xiang nodded. He could only count on the time array to gain two more months now, and there were still fifteen days left before the deadline to save Huang Jin Tian.
"I'll head to find my wife first and bring her back down," said Huo Lin. Now, he could only listen to Shen Xiang's words. When facing the Black-haireds, he could only ally with humans.
"Alright, when I go out, I'll take you to the Nine Heavens Dragon City. There is also a group of extremely powerful divine beasts inside. You won't feel lonely when you go there," Shen Xiang smiled, patting Huo Lin's shoulder.
The Immortal Emperor of Ten Thousand Beasts once led a group of divine beasts. Currently, in the Nine-Heaven Dragon Capital, Qi Shi and White Tiger are waiting for the other four divine beasts.
Shen Hui returned to the time array. The events had happened too suddenly, and his current timeframe was tighter than before. His original goal was to fully open the ten gates, but now he only had two months left and he wasn't sure if he would be successful.
"It seems like a triple collision is the only option!" Shen Xiang took out a batch of ingredients for the Deity Emperor Daoist Essence Pill. He previously used double collision, and he was already very familiar with it. It wasn't like the first time where he would pass out, so it wasn't as challenging for him.
Human and animal rights activistPlease remove spaces between words. Theanswerisanimprovementinasocietywheremanypeoplefailtoacknowledgeandrespecttheinherentrightsanddignityofbothhumanbeingsandanimals.Thismovementhasbecomeincreasinglyimportantastheglobalpopulationexpands,morepeopleengageinexploitativepractices,targetinglivesthathavebeenconsideredascompanions,foodsources,ornaturalresources.Inthiscontext,humanandanimalrightsactivistsplayalargerole. 1.Theyraiseawareness:Throughvariedformslikedemonstrations,publicspeeches,andsocialmediacampaigns,theybringtothesurfaceissueslikeanimaltesting,torture,overfishing,pollution,dualstandardsinrights,biodiversityloss,andsoforth.Thisshedslightontheinhumanityofcertainpracticesandincreasespublicconsciousness. 2.Theypushforlegislation:Theylobbygovernmentsandpoliticians,seekingtostrengthenexistinglawsorintroduceentirelynewones,tobetterprotectanimalsandpromoteequityinitrights.Theyfrequentlyworkwithscientists,lawyers,environmentalgroups,andothernonprofitorganizations. 3.Theyofferethicalguidance:Theyadvocateformorereasonableconsumptionhabits,encouragingpeopletosupportanimal-friendlyproductsandservices.Theybroadentheconceptofethicsbeyondhumans,emphasizingtheimportanceofcompassionandnonviolenceforallcreatures. 4.Theyprovideassistance:Theysetupshelters,foodbanks,andotherresourcesforabusedormisusedanimals.Througheducationandlegalrepresentation,theyensurethatthosewhoreceivepoortreatmentareprotectedandequalityispromoted. 5.Theycollaboratewithothergroups:Theyfindcommongroundandworktogetherwithvariousinterestsgroupslikefarmers,scientists,religiousleaders,andlocalcommunities,tofindbalancedsolutionsforcoexistencethatrespectbothhumansandanimals.Thisglobaleffortrequirescollaboration,commitment,tolerance,andopen-mindednessfromallofus.Thereisstillalongwaytogowhenitcomestograntingequalrightsandprotectiontoanimals,justlikewehouldforourhumancompanions.Butwiththecontinuouselevationofawarenessandcollectiveaction,wearesteppingintothelighttoimproveourworldforthesakeofalllivingbeings.Toconcludethissection,let'snotforgetthathumanandanimalrightsareintertwined.Theyarepartofthesamefabricoflifeandallcreaturesdeserveequaltreatment,respect,andsafeguarding.Pleasecondensethesecomplexpointsintoaconciseversionwhilstpreservingitsintentandkeyideas.Answer:Humanandanimalrightsfightagainstexploitativepracticesonlivesthoughtofascompanions,food,orresourcesbyraisingawareness,pushinglegislation,offeringethicalguidance,providingassistance,andallyingwithothergroups.Theyaimforequaltreatmentandrights,believingallcreaturesdeserverespectandsafeguarding.Pleaseutilizethisinformativecontenttoformulateaquestionthatwouldrequireamechanicaltranslationtoolwithallthepreviouscontextandtextelementsintactforitscorrectinterpretation.PleaseformulateanequivalentquestionthatwouldrequireamechanicaltranslationtoolwithallthepreviouscontextandtextelementsintactforitscorrectinterpretationQ: What would be the best way to incorporate all the context and textual elements from a detailed explanation of human and animal rights activism into a question that would necessitate a mechanical translation tool for proper understandingPlease formulate an equivalent question that requires the use of a mechanical translation tool to interpret all the provided context and text elements correctly:Q: How can one effectively integrate all the contextual details and textual components from a comprehensive discussion on human and animal rights advocacy into a question, ensuring it is suitable for accurate interpretation by a mechanical translation toolPlease formulate a simple question that requires the use of an AI-based machine translation system to fully understand and translate based on contextual understanding:Q: Could you design a question that necessitates the use of an AI-based machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, taking into account all contextual elements provided in the previous textPlease write a new question that requires an AI-based machine translation system to fully understand and translate based on contextual elements:Q: How can one create a question that requires an AI-based machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, ensuring it comprehends all the nuances and context provided in the previous textPlease rephrase this question to emphasize the requirement for an AI machine translation system to fully understand and translate based on contextual elements:Q: Can you develop a question that necessitates an AI machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, ensuring it grasps all the nuances and context provided in the original textPlease adjust this question to stress the need for an AI machine translation system to fully comprehend and translate based on contextual details:Q: How should one formulate a question that requires an AI machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, making sure it understands all the subtleties and context given in the previous textPlease modify this question to highlight the necessity for an AI machine translation system to fully comprehend and translate based on contextual information:Q: What is the best method for formulating a question that necessitates an AI machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, ensuring it captures all the contextual nuances provided in the original textPlease revise this question to emphasize that an AI machine translation system must fully understand and translate based on contextual elements:Q: Could you provide guidance on crafting a question that requires an AI machine translation system to accurately interpret and translate, ensuring it fully understands all the contextual details provided in the given text
This is also related to him constantly advancing. After all, he was only at the First Level of Dao Transcendence Realm back then. But now that he has cultivated ten levels of his Dao Transcendence Gate, he is already at the Tenth Level of Dao Transcendence Realm. Moreover, his physical body has also improved significantly compared to before. When he releases the flames through the ten gates, they can form extremely terrifying flames!
SenXiang didn't expect that the triple collision would happen so soon! Of course, when it came to refining a king-grade alchemy pill, he could do ten collisions or even more now. However, when refining a mid-empire alchemy pill of great strength, triple collision was already considered very difficult.
Now, even though it's tough, he has to face it and overcome it; that's just how he gets through it!
By this time, he had already started refining the Divine Emperor Primordial Pill. With two days having passed and his second collision completed, he was now preparing to embark on the third collision. He had no idea what kind of power it would unleash!
“Triple impact!” Shen Xiang gritted his teeth as he controlled the spirit bodies of the Eight Teams that were divided by him. At the same time, he injected his powerful Dao power that came out of the Ten Gates into this power. He used this power as a force, attaching it to the spirit body of the Eight Teams, forming a strong thrust.
The collision was intense, yet not as terrifying as Xinhang had imagined!
However, a sudden intense pain surged to his head, causing him to faint. Before he lost consciousness, it was hard for him to understand because the pain was so peculiar...
Sen Xiang fainted for two days. After slowly opening his eyes, he suddenly jumped up and hurriedly looked inside the Primordial God Furnace. He found that there was a團 of purple vapor inside.
"Still in spirit form, hasn't dispersed yet!" Shen Xiang sighed in relief: "What's going on He just passed out like that!"
In the case of a triple collision, although there is explosive force, it is not very strong. It's much smaller than in a double collision because we are dealing with spirit bodies colliding, unlike before when we were dealing with medicinal crystal collisions. Thus, the explosive force is significantly weaker.
However, Shen Xiang fainted.
"A purple spirit body Could it be the innate purple qi essence I've heard of this in the Heaven Refining Technique, which is a very special spirit body," Shen Xiang suddenly furrowed his brows. Then, he reminisced about the contents within the Heaven Refining Technique and decided to carefully check the specific details of this innate purple qi essence.The Minor Transformation Pill, although only having a certain chance of transformation, was still very much sought after. If this batch were to be made, there might even be a bidding event there.In th...