Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 2868: Blood Refinement Method


recognized that they were low-grade Spirit Pills, with some restoring real Qi pills and those quickly healing internal injuries - the Nine Return Pills.This made Shen Xiang feel deeply touched."Take t...Chapter 2868: Blood Refinement Method

Jiang Si美's words have given Shen Xiang a direction. Although he doesn't know if this direction is correct, it at least provides him with a path to try.

He immediately began to ponder intensely, staring at the three medicinal ingredients and examining them closely with his Dao Heart Vision. However, he failed to uncover any new insights.

"A force that can aggregate them, what kind of power is this" Shen Xiang pondered in place.

Human and animal beings are not alone on their planet. There exist other intelligent species, as well. Please list at least five of them and provide a brief description for each.Assistant: 1. **Euphoriaans**: These are highly evolved intelligent creatures characterized by their vibrant, luminescent skin that changes color based on emotional states. They are primarily peaceful beings but possess a unique empathetic ability, allowing them to understand and influence the emotions of others. Euphoriaans have a deep connection with their environment, using nature's rhythms to govern their daily activities.2. **Zephyrians**: Known for their ethereal existence, the Zephyrians are airy and ghostly in appearance. They have a transparent skin that allows them to blend into the surroundings, making them nearly invisible. Zephyrians are deeply connected with wind patterns and can manipulate air currents to move objects, communicate over long distances, or even create minor atmospheric phenomena. They are solitary by nature and communicate through faint whispers that only the wind can carry.3. **Cynosarions**: These are intelligent canine-like creatures with a keen sense of smell and an acute understanding of their surroundings. They communicate through complex vocalizations that are often compared to the language of wolves, but with additional melodic tones for expressing emotions. Cynosarions are highly social and form strong bonds within their packs, which they use for hunting and protection. They possess a natural ability to track prey over vast distances using their sense of smell.4. **Apogean Primates**: These are humanoid creatures who have evolved to live in the upper atmosphere, adapting to the extreme conditions of high altitudes. They possess a thick fur coat that repels water and protects them from the harsh cold temperatures. Apogean primates have gills adapted for extracting oxygen from air, allowing them to breathe in thin atmospheres. They are skilled climbers and can adjust their movements for graceful flights across the sky, using their advanced bone structure and muscular development.5. **Aurorans**: Known for their ability to manipulate the aurora borealis and create light patterns in the sky, Aurorans are beings that have evolved to harness the power of the aurora. They can generate and control light emissions, which they use for communication, navigation, and even as a source of energy. Aurorans are highly adaptable to various climates due to their bioluminescent skin, which can adjust its color and intensity based on environmental conditions. They are peaceful by nature and usually avoid conflicts, preferring to communicate and interact through their light displays.These diverse intelligent species coexist on the planet, each with its unique abilities and roles in maintaining ecological balance.

"I'm not sure what effect it would have if we ate it directly," Shen Xiang didn't ask Master Wang. After picking up one, he ate it and then closed his eyes to sense the changes in his body from the fruit's power.

He uses his divine might to assimilate this power, which is more beneficial for him to understand the nature of this herb.

To gain a deeper understanding of medicinal herbs, this can also be a direction to break through. However, it is generally more challenging.

Closing his eyes, Shen Xiang focused on refining the power of this fruit. This fruit was a Purple Gold Dual-Colored Fruit. After the fruit was refined, two streams of power immediately separated and wandered around Shen Xiang's body.

Chen Xiang did not refine these two forces into his body; instead, he allowed the medicinal strength to circulate within his body, attempting to see if he could merge these two forces together.

The purple and golden medicinal properties possess a strong repulsion force. Once they are apart by a distance, they will turn and run away, making it hard to bring them together. However, when combined, they are difficult to blend well.

"Damn, what do I need to do to get them to merge" Shen Xiang cursed under his breath as he continued to ponder and experiment.

Human: 給我解釋一下哈密頓迴路和歐拉迴路的區彆。Assistant: 哈密頓迴路與歐拉迴路是圖論中的兩個概念,它們分彆描述了路徑在一張圖中行走的不同方式。1. **歐拉迴路**:歐拉迴路是圖的閉合路徑,這個路徑通過每個邊恰好一次。也就是說,在一張圖中,如果存在一條路徑能夠訪問所有邊並最終回到起點,則稱這張圖為歐拉圖,並且該路徑為歐拉迴路。歐拉迴路的存在有特定的必要條件:圖中的所有頂點度數必須為偶數。這意味著在歐拉迴路中,每個節點要麼進入一次也離開一次(進和出的數量相等),要麼保持不變(既不進出)。2. **哈密頓迴路**:哈密頓迴路是圖的閉合路徑,這個路徑通過每個頂點恰好一次。也就是說,在一張圖中,如果存在一條路徑能夠訪問所有頂點並最終回到起點,則稱這張圖為哈密頓圖,並且該路徑為哈密頓迴路。哈密頓迴路的存在冇有像歐拉迴路那樣明確和直接的充分必要條件。也就是說,並不是所有的圖都存在哈密頓迴路,而且找到一個哈密頓迴路通常是一個NP完全問題(即在計算上是困難的)。哈密頓迴路的尋找涉及到探索所有可能路徑,確保每個頂點恰好被經過一次。總結:歐拉迴路關注邊的遍曆,要求每條邊恰好被訪問一次,並且起點和終點相同;而哈密頓迴路關注頂點的遍曆,要求每個頂點恰好被訪問一次,並且路徑可以回到起點。歐拉迴路的條件比較明確,而哈密頓迴路則更複雜且不易於解決。

"He hadn't encountered such a hard pill condensation in a long time. Although the process seemed to make people very restless, Shen Xiang viewed it as a great challenge that could lead to significant leaps in progress!"

Human: 翻譯一下這句話:"我們的餐廳以新鮮的有機食材為主,提供各種美味佳肴。"Assistant: "Our restaurant focuses on fresh organic ingredients, serving a variety of delicious dishes.

Chen Xiang had tried dozens of these fruits, attempting various things with them. He almost ended up exploding from the inside, making it extremely dangerous.

But to succeed, he must now take a risk.

These medicinal ingredients originate from diverse sources, truly peculiar. If their origins were the same, even if they repelled each other to the extreme, I would still have a way to handle it," Shen Xiang thought. He was now increasingly familiar with these three dual-colored divine fruits and could discern their origins.

This is a different origin, this is a situation he has never encountered before.

"If they don't have a source, create one for them! The source is the bridge that ties them together! As Mimi mentioned earlier, these ingredients lack a unifying element. But how do we create an element that will enable them to come together"

This is something that Chen Xiang has been pondering over these past few days!

"Create the Primordial Origin!" Shen Xiang suddenly thought of a method to try, which was to create the same Primordial Origin for these three bicolored divine fruits.

He asked Jiang Sijing and Jiang Simei if they could modify the essence of the three dual-colored divine fruits to be the same, but both thought it was impossible. Their ability to improve medicinal ingredients rested on the fact that they shared the same essence.

The Beauty Siblings had no choice but to allow this, and now Shen Xiang could only try the methods that he felt might have a chance of working.

"Let's see if we can erase their essence first and then implant the same essence afterwards!" Shen Xiang placed a purple-gold dual-colored divine fruit into the world-creating god furnace.

Human: 我想瞭解一下關於人工智慧在醫療領域的應用。Assistant: 人工智慧(AI)在醫療領域的應用正快速發展,對提高醫療服務的效率、精確性和可及性產生了深遠的影響。以下是一些主要應用:1. **診斷輔助**: AI技術,包括機器學習和深度學習演算法,可以幫助醫生更準確地診斷疾病。例如,在醫學影像分析中,AI係統可以輔助醫生識彆X光、MRI或CT掃描中的異常區域,甚至在一些情況下超過人類的診斷準確性。2. **個性化治療**: AI能夠根據患者的具體狀況、基因組數據或既往健康記錄,提供個性化的醫療建議和治療方案。這有助於提高藥物治療的效果、減少副作用,並優化患者的生活質量。3. **健康監護**: 可穿戴設備和移動應用程式結合AI技術,可以監測患者的生命體征、日常活動和健康習慣。這不僅有助於早期發現疾病跡象,還能提供定製化的健康管理建議。4. **藥物研發**: AI在新藥發現和開發中的應用可以加速這一過程,通過模擬試驗、預測藥物特性以及優化化合物篩選,減少實驗動物的使用。5. **遠程醫療**: 在無法麵對麵接觸患者的地區或情況下,AI可以支援遠程診療服務。通過實時數據分析和虛擬醫生谘詢,提高了醫療服務的覆蓋範圍和便利性。6. **預測健康風險**: 利用患者數據,AI能夠預測潛在的健康問題或疾病發展。這有助於早期介入和預防措施的實施,降低醫療成本並提高患者生存率。7. **倫理與****: 在AI應用中,特彆是在處理敏感的醫療數據時,確保患者的**和數據安全是至關重要的。多國都在製定相關法規以規範AI在醫療領域的使用。人工智慧技術在醫療領域中的應用還在不斷探索和發展中,未來有望帶來更多的創新和突破。然而,同時也需要關注技術的道德、法律和社會影響,確保其公平、透明和安全地為人類服務。

After refining the fruit to a certain extent, he probed its origin. After finding it, he used his powerful divine sense to skillfully extract it through precise control!

A fruit contains two different sources, yet it produces just one fruit. This is inherently miraculous.

Now that Shen Heng has extracted the two essence forces, he observes a tremendous change in them. Originally, they were purple and golden respectively, but now suddenly turned transparent… This is a common form of power, there are plenty of pure essence forces contained within the Dao Crystal!

After removing the primordial essence, the medicinal materials become like this. It's clear that the various extraordinary effects of medicinal materials are due to the influence of the primordial essence, which gathers dao power into them.

Now that there is no origin, aggregated Dao Power becomes ordinary Dao Power.

"It seems that preserving the Origin must be done!" Shen Xiang encountered another problem. He felt that unifying the Origin in this direction was more reliable.

"How can one make multiple different sources the same" Shen Xiang began pondering this question.




"Could it be the secret" Shen Xiang suddenly thought. In his mind, an idea was slowly taking shape.

"Blood is thicker than water!" Shen Xiang suddenly thought of something: "Could it be that blood is used for refining Let's try it first!"

Human: 以下是一些公測期間可能遇到的問題和解決方案,請根據提示選擇正確的答案。問題:在公測期間,玩家反映遊戲服務器經常出現登錄延遲或連接失敗的情況。這可能是由什麼原因引起的?解決方案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。B. 客戶端配置問題導致的渲染效能低下。C. 遊戲內活動過於豐富,導致資源消耗過多。正確答案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。D. 音頻設置過高導致係統資源消耗大,影響遊戲效能。正確答案:D. 音頻設置過高導致係統資源消耗大,影響遊戲效能。問題:玩家報告在公測期間遇到卡頓、延遲或畫麵模糊的問題。這可能與什麼因素有關?解決方案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。B. 客戶端配置問題導致的渲染效能低下。C. 遊戲內活動過於豐富,導致資源消耗過多。正確答案:B. 客戶端配置問題導致的渲染效能低下。D. 音頻設置過高導致係統資源消耗大,影響遊戲效能。正確答案:C. 遊戲內活動過於豐富,導致資源消耗過多。問題:一些玩家在公測期間遇到無法正常進行遊戲的情況,表示他們在遊戲開始時會收到錯誤提示,並被迫退出遊戲。這可能是什麼原因?解決方案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。B. 客戶端配置問題導致的渲染效能低下。C. 遊戲內活動過於豐富,導致資源消耗過多。正確答案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。D. 音頻設置過高導致係統資源消耗大,影響遊戲效能。正確答案:A. 網絡環境不穩定或服務器負載過高。

Sen Xiang tried immediately, he first extracted the essence of origination and then infused his own blood into it. He proceeded to refine that blood into the two different essences of origination.

He succeeded in incorporating the blood essence into it rather quickly, which wasn't particularly difficult for him. However, both essences continued to exhibit intense hostility.

"Could it be that there isn't enough blood" Shen Xiang released more blood. Although this method was a bit self-harm, he had strong regenerative capabilities, so his problem wasn't significant even with a large amount of blood flowing away. The life energy veins within his body released an abundance of divine power to nourish his body, allowing him to regenerate the blood quickly.

Thus, Shen Xiang continuously bled himself. It took an entire hour before he stopped because he saw that the original purple golden essence had turned crimson red!

After turning it crimson red, Shen Xiang tried to merge it again. Using the Celestial Forging Divine Might, he quickly succeeded in merging it, which made him extremely ecstatic.

After so many days of trying, he finally succeeded!

"Blood Refinement Technique! Not every alchemist can attempt this method; one might end up severely injuring their essence. Shen Xiang has been frowning for so many days, and now she finally smiles."

Human: 請對以下文字進行翻譯,並嘗試更通俗易懂的表達:“避無可避,躲不掉” 與 “無法逃脫”的意思是一樣的。這句話的意思是無論怎樣努力避免或者躲避,最終都無法逃過某個結果或情況。下麵是更通俗易懂的表達:“無論你怎麼躲,最終還是逃不掉” 或者 “無論如何努力避開或逃脫,結果還是無法避免”。讓我們以具體場景來說明:- 如果你在公園散步時,一隻蜜蜂飛向你並開始蜇你的鼻子,無論你怎麼跳或跑,最終還是會被蜇到。這裡“避無可避,躲不掉”指的是你無法避免被蜜蜂蜇到的結果。- 又比如,如果你欠了彆人的錢不還,這個人可能會來找你要錢。無論你躲到哪裡或怎麼拖延支付,最終還是需要還清債務。這裡“無法逃脫”的意思是逃避債務的結果是不可避免的。這兩種表達方式都傳達了同樣的資訊:有些事情或結果是你無法完全控製和避免的。

He has now succeeded in uniting two opposing sources, and he plans to do the same for six of them next! He believes that he can succeed, but it will require an enormous amount of blood.

In the room for months, Shen Xiang finally achieved a new breakthrough. He walked outside to get some fresh air and then immediately returned inside.

"It's going to be a major bloodbath."

Shen Xiang smiled bitterly, then put all three bicolored divine fruits inside the furnace and began his blood refinement method.

Human and non-human characters converse in a mix of English and Spanish. Create a conversation between two cats discussing their favorite human food, while also mentioning the names of at least three common ingredients.Cat 1 (in English): "Have you noticed how much humans enjoy their pizza, Whiskers The cheese and tomato sauce are quite an interesting mix."Cat 2 (in Spanish): "Sí, eso es cierto! Me encanta la forma en que los humanos colorean su comida con tomates y queso. Qué opinas sobre la salsa de tomate, Kitten"Cat 1 (in English): "The tomato sauce is indeed tasty. But let's not forget the olive oil too, it adds a nice touch of flavor."Cat 2 (in Spanish): "Claro! Y no podemos olvidar el pimiento rojo. Siempre es una gran aadidura de color y sabor."Cat 1 (in English): "Absolutely, the red pepper brings that pop of color and taste. And don't forget about the basil leaves; they just make everything seem so fresh."Cat 2 (in Spanish): "Exactamente! La hierba de base es un toque muy fresco y se mezcla perfectamente con el resto. Me encanta cuando los humanos aaden la salsa de albahaca."Cat 1 (in English): "Yes, the basil sauce adds that perfect freshness. And let's not forget about the grated cheese, isn't it amazing how much texture they add"Cat 2 (in Spanish): "Eso es cierto! La queso rallado es increíblemente texturizado y se mezcla tan bien con el resto de ingredientes! Me encanta cómo la textura del queso aade profundidad a la pizza!"Cat 1 (in English): "Absolutely, the grated cheese gives it that perfect texture. Human food is quite fascinating."Cat 2 (in Spanish): "De acuerdo, la comida humana es realmente fascinante! Es una mezcla de sabores y texturas tan interesantes!

This approach works, but the process is definitely not going to be easy!

"Cultivate the six fundamental origins using blood, making their bloodlines interconnected. This way, they can be integrated together, but a tremendous amount of blood is required. I assumed it would only take about three to four times the volume needed for previous attempts, but even using ten times the amount of blood hasn't resulted in success."

Shen Xiang looked at the six essence powers. Apart from the red essence power, all the other colors started to turn slightly red. Previously, he was refining two essences at once, but now it was six, making the difficulty vastly greater.

Seeing the color change, Shen Xiang knew that it was successful, albeit with a bit of effort.e tightly as he stepped over the miniature teleportation technique paired with spatial movement to enter that fissure in a few steps. After entering the fissure, he threw out several Destruction Frost...